Aquarius Zodiac Sign: Characteristics & Associated Crystals


Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, and Aquarians are the perfect representatives for the Age of Aquarius. Those born under this horoscope sign have the social conscience needed to carry us into the new millennium. Those of the Aquarius zodiac sign are humanitarian, philanthropic, and keenly interested in making the world a better place. Along those lines, they’d like to make the world work better, which is why they focus much of their energy on our social institutions and how they work (or don’t work).

Aquarians are visionaries, progressive souls who love to spend time thinking about how things can be better. They are also quick to engage others in this process, which is why they have so many friends and acquaintances. Making the world a better place is a collaborative effort for Aquarians.

Aquarius Symbolism + Myth

The constellation of Aquarius, the Water-Bearer, is one of the oldest of our current zodiac. Harking back to Babylonian times, the Aquarius constellation was associated with the protective god Ea, who carried an overflowing vase of water.

The Egyptians associated Aquarius with the flooding of the Nile, which was believed to occur when the Water-Bearer dipped his pitcher into the great river. The swelling of the Nile then corresponded to the commencement of Spring, a fertile time of growth after the flood of water to the region.

In Greek mythology, Aquarius was connected to the mythological youth Ganymede, who was the son of Tros, the Trojan king. Ganymede’s claim to fame came when Zeus transported him to Mount Olympus, to be the cupbearer of the gods.

Aquarius Element, Mode, and Season


In the western tropical zodiac, Aquarius season begins on January 21, commencing the middle and heart of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the time of year when the sun, Leo’s planetary ruler, is at its lowest strength, heat, and light. This may lend cool and remote qualities to the Aquarian archetype, which tends to be more thoughtful and inventive during the cold, insular season.

Fixed Mode

Aquarius is the last of the four fixed signs of the zodiac, who all hold an elemental energy of endurance and stability in the middle phase of the four seasons. Aquarius begins the middle of winter, when the season is most “fixed” and established, lending to the tenacious, immovable, and somewhat stubborn tendencies of the formidable Aquarian intellect.

Air Element

Aquarius’ element is air, a light, dispersive element, thought by ancient astrologers to be an expression of matter that represents formlessness and dissolution. Aquarius’ affinity for innovation, invention, and intellectual focus is akin to the active, flowing air element.

Aquarius Characteristics



Aquarius’ archetypal traits are derived from its active, masculine, or yang qualities, making this sign oriented toward engagement with the outer world. Alive in both an Aquarian woman or Aquarian man, those born with the Water-Bearer as their rising sun or moon sign have a clear objective, yet intelligent and inventive energy in their core personality, like the icy heart of winter.

As a fixed sign, The Water-Bearer holds the qualities of being a sustainer, making those with Aquarius prominent in their charts great at dedicating themselves to projects, and tenaciously sticking to their social principals. Ruled by Saturn, Aquarians can be thought of as the “reformers” of the zodiac that challenge and test the societal conventions we have built to see if they are still relevant and inclusive.


The primary Aquarian strengths can be found in their intelligence and their ability to not be mired in subjectivity that could potentially block maintaining a fresh perspective. Those under this sign have an affinity for abstract thought that allows them to examine problems and innovate new solutions. Though they are conversational and social, they can operate in their communities in an observant and impartial way, making them typically good judges of character, and dependable when rationality is needed.

Aquarians are known for their cleverness and dry wit, which may be surprising in spite of their cool and collected exterior. The sign of the Water-Bearer produces naturally curious and inquisitive people who love to take apart objects, as well as personalities, to see what makes them tick. Perhaps a product of sober and determined Saturn, their planetary ruler, Aquarians are often not afraid to take intellectual, or creative risks, or to speak the sober but unpopular opinion. “Nothing lost, nothing gained” could be another Water-Bearer motto.

The Aquarian archetype is naturally radical, and those with this sign prominent in their charts often feel they don’t fit in with mainstream society, and often, they don’t want to anyway! Usually, the world finds out later that their offbeat views and inventions were merely ahead of their time. It’s the rest of us who may need to try and keep up with our Aquarian inventors and thought leaders. Very often, they see the new frontier on the horizon, long before anyone else has a clue.


Some sources of weakness for Aquarius are rooted in their great strengths. Their strong mental capacities can lead them to be overly intellectual in life, making them seem cold, distant, or unfeeling. They may encounter situations that they can’t think their way out of, which could be perplexing for them.

The Water-Bearer’s capacity for abstract thought may have them reducing life to a series of puzzles to be solved, becoming so theoretical in their ideas that they become hard to relate to. Though typically good judges of character, this is a strength that can get taken too far when these folks get so stuck on the principle of another’s mistake that they judge them too harshly; sometimes even losing sight of their humanity.

Aquarians can become so “fixed” on their principles, that they hold others to higher standards than they could possibly attain. This may lead them to set many strict social boundaries and even holding grudges, possibly alienating others and isolating themselves.

Clever, witty, and psychologically focused, Aquarians may use humor to toy with others they deem to be intellectually inferior to them. Though curious, this sign should guard against becoming nosy, and similar to their Gemini counterparts, may need to curb a habit of being gossipy. Though Aquarius may be cool and measured in their own feelings, they could forget what could be hurtful to others.

Lastly, the Aquarian “contrarian” nature is best channeled into important and useful causes to guard against a habit of being rebellious and disruptive just for the sake of it. This can be hurtful and divisive if not well-considered.

Aquarian children may grow up with a wounding around being an outsider. They will be well-nurtured by being accepted and embraced for their different nature, as well as allowed to experiment and express themselves in their own unique way.

Aquarius Compatibility

When exploring overall compatibility in astrology, it’s important to take more than the sun sign into consideration, as the rising sign, moon, and other planetary cross-connections will tell the whole story in relationships. That being said, Aquarius natives will tend to blend best with fire signs and air signs; and may need to work harder on relationships with water signs and earth signs.

Fire Signs

fire element

Aquarius will typically find great affinity with fire signs, as they will understand each other’s active, spontaneous nature. Aries and Sagittarius are individualistic enough to not be put off by Aquarius’ cool and remote nature.

Sagittarius, especially, will enjoy Aquarius’ socially challenging and radical ways, and they will stoke each other’s tendencies to be unconventional.

Aquarius brings discernment, thoughtfulness, and objectivity to proud solar-ruled Leo, and they potentially have an opposites attract connection together that can be either magnetic or polarizing.

Air Signs

air element

Air signs are a natural fit for Aquarius, as they share the same elemental expression.

Aquarius and Gemini will enjoy conversing endlessly, sharing ideas in a harmonious, although largely intellectual relationship.

Aquarius and Libra will enjoy sharing ideas on issues of social justice and progressive thought. Due to its Saturnian influence, Aquarius may at times be more cool and remote and will have to remember to show affection to romantic Libra.

Aquarius with Aquarius could be a good match, in that they may feel they have finally met someone from their own galaxy, so to speak. They will enjoy debating, and innovating together, and may have an unconventional partnership.

Water Signs

water element

Water signs bring vulnerability and emotional intelligence to help curious and abstract Aquarius to tap into their deeper wells of feeling.

Cancer will be very good at nurturing Aquarius, which they will likely need, but Cancer’s need for emotive connection and expression may feel foreign and overwhelming to rational Aquarius.

Pisces broadens Aquarius’ receptive capacities by bringing spiritual and philosophical awareness to their lives. Pisces, however, may be too private and sensitive to fully appreciate Aquarius’ radical and contrarian nature.

Mars-ruled Scorpio can bring sexual magnetism to a relationship with Aquarius, but the two may share very little in common in the end. Scorpio’s jealous tendencies are as deeply rooted as Aquarius’ judgmental ones, and so they may stubbornly hold their own elemental ground and have conflicts often.

Earth Signs

earth element

Though earth signs can potentially stabilize and ground Aquarius’ dispersive and unusual energies, they may be the hardest for those born under the sign of the Water-Bearer to relate to.

Capricorn, the authoritative cardinal earth sign, shares Saturnian rulership with Aquarius, so there may be some common ground. Capricorn, however, tends to be practical and honors tradition, where Aquarius is innately unconventional, driving them to disagree on their basic values.

Taurus, although dependable and loving, may be a bit too rooted to roll with Aquarius’ “out there” ways. Both are in fixed signs, and much like the dynamic between Aquarius and Scorpio, there will be stubborn stand-offs between the Water-Bearer and the Bull.

Aquarius and Virgo may blend with their analytical natures; however, Aquarius may be surrounded by gadgets and clutter, which would confound and annoy practical Virgo. Virgo likes to be useful, but Aquarius always questions practicality, making this too much of an odd pairing to make it last.

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Crystals for the Aquarius Star Sign

amethyst aquamarine fluorite labradorite
Amethyst Aquamarine Fluorite Labradorite
Amethyst is said to bring peace and clarity to the mind of an Aquarian. It can help to make decisions with grace. People with this zodiac sign are said to be guided by their intuition and Amethyst can help them to connect with their inner wisdom. Aquamarine is a crystal that is known for its calming and soothing energy. It’s a very helpful stone for Aquarians who are looking to attract a bit more balance into their life. Aquamarine is also believed to increase creativity and is a great crystal for emphasising intellect, communication and focus. Fluorite is said to help create harmony in the mind and clear out unwanted thoughts or fears that might be hindering progress. It is known for being a great problem solver, which helps Aquarians figure out possible solutions to their toughest challenges. Aquarians tend to be quite independent, wearing or carrying Fluorite can help them remain focused and stay on track. Labradorite is associated with transformation and exploration, two qualities that are very important to Aquarians. This crystal helps to bring out the best in Aquarians and encourages them to be true to themselves. Labradorite is also known to shield off negative energies and bring a strong sense of clarity and focus.


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