Living in a home that is disrupted by nightmare neighbours is not good, your home should feel calm, safe and secure, here are a few crystals that may help.


The first thing I would suggest is to cleanse each room in your home, as well as the front and back doorways, with sage. The cleansing is best performed during the waning moon (when it is diminishing), to banish the negative energies from your home. Be sure to leave windows open in each room for the negative energies to escape through.

clear quartz

Once the cleansing is completed, and when the moon is waxing (growing) you could set some Clear Quartz crystals, programmed for protection (click here on how to programme your crystals) at the front and back doors to protect your home from anyone entering.


Amethyst is a great crystal to consider as it has a strong protective energy that helps block negative energies from your environment. It is also good for having next to your bed to help you drop off to sleep if your neighbours are keeping you up all night.

smoky quartz

Another quartz which is good for programming is Smoky Quartz. It is a great support during times of stress and fear and promotes positive thoughts. Placing one of these in your living room can help to not only improve communication but also draw away negative energies.

black tourmaline

I can’t write this article without mentioning Black Tourmaline, one of the best protection stones for your home. Placing this next to the Clear Quartz at your front and back doors can balance the energies and ground any existing negative energies. It cleanses and transforms the denser vibrations into lighter ones. As well as placing Black Tourmaline at your front and back doors it’s a good idea to create a grid by placing pieces in the four corners of your home.


In addition to this, Selenite is a wonderful cleansing and protective crystal which is believed to evoke protection from the angelic realm lifting the energy in your home even further. Place pieces in the four corners of your home alongside the black tourmaline.

If your neighbours are noisy or rowdy outside you could consider placing Black Tourmaline and Selenite around the edges of your garden.

One more thing to consider is… to carry one each of the above mentioned crystals (Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline and Selenite), as tumblestones in a bag, this will protect your own energy in your day to day life.

clear quartz
Clear Quartz
smoky quartz
Smoky Quartz
black tourmaline
Black Tourmaline

I hope this has been useful. Feel free to comment below and share.

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