cleansing with waterCleansing your crystals is essential to rid out the negative energies they have absorbed. There are many ways to cleanse your crystals, but one of the most popular methods is to use water.

It is true that it’s an easy and effective way to cleanse your gemstones, however, water can literally dissolve some minerals, so doing some research before your first cleanse your new gemstones its essential to avoid a disaster by reading below which crystals can’t be cleansed in water and other ways to cleanse them.

Why Can’t Some Crystals Go In Water?

There are several types of crystals that cannot go in water. The main issue is that when they are left in water for long periods of time, they will dissolve, crack or lose their colour. And the damage cannot be undone.

If you don’t want to damage your crystal, the first and most important thing to do is to identify your gemstone. Before doing anything with it, you need to be certain of the type of stone you have in front of you.

The next important thing to consider is the hardness of your crystal. In fact, any crystal that is under 5 on the MOH Hardness scale should not get wet.

The MOH Hardness scale was created in 1812. It can be used to determine the scratch resistance or hardness of a crystal. The scale goes from 1, the softest crystal, to 10 the hardest one. Selenite, for example, is a 2 on the MOH Scale, which means it will literally dissolve if you put it in water.

The last thing to consider is the chemical composition of your crystals which is the most interesting part.

Certain crystals contain chemical elements that make them toxic. These crystals cannot be cleansed in water because they can leek toxic chemicals into the water. For example, crystals that contain copper such as Malachite or Azurite are toxic. So you should be careful when using and handling these crystals. Most importantly you should never use them for crystal elixirs. Other crystals that contain iron, such as Pyrite or Hematite, for example, will rust and oxidize when immersed in water.

Which Crystals Can’t Be Cleansed in Water?

Even though some of the crystals on this list will be fine for a quick rinse, they have been added because repeated exposure to water can definitely damage them. But all the crystals listed below should definitely not be immersed in water for a long period of time.

Here are some of the most common crystals that are not water safe:-

MOH Hardness: 3.5
Angelite will get damaged and eventually dissolve if you repeatedly expose it to water.

MOH Hardness: 5
Apatite is safe for a quick rinse, but don’t let it soak for hours. It is also a toxic crystal so don’t use it for crystal elixirs.

MOH Hardness: 2.5-4
Azurite is a crystal that contains copper. It gives off sulphur when mixed with water.

Black Tourmaline
MOH Hardness: 7-7.5
Black Tourmaline is a relatively hard stone. It can be cleansed under tap water for a few minutes. However, prolonged contact with water and saltwater can damage the stone.

MOH Hardness: 3-4
Calcite should not be left soaking in water for a long period of time. Also, saltwater will definitely damage the crystal.

MOH Hardness: 3-3.5
Celestite is a sky blue crystal consisting of strontium sulphate. It is very soft and will dissolve in water.

MOH Hardness: 2-2.5
Cinnabar is really soft and it contains mercury, which is very toxic. You should definitely avoid soaking it.

Desert Rose
MOH Hardness: 2
Desert Rose is a type of gypsum that will dissolve if you put it in water.

MOH Hardness: 4
Fluorite is slightly soluble when it comes into contact with water. Saltwater will literally ruin its appearance.

MOH Hardness: 2-3
Also known as Green Muscovite and Chrome Mica, it has natural additions of chromium which flakes apart in water.

MOH Hardness: 5.5-6.5
Hematite contains iron oxide that rusts when it comes in contact with water.

MOH Hardness: 2.5-4
Jet is a very soft type of lignite, the lowest rank of coal, that is not water safe.

MOH Hardness: 4.5-5
Kyanite is a self-cleansing crystal. It is quite soft so it shouldn’t come in contact with water.

MOH Hardness: 6-6.5
Labradorite is one of these crystals that can briefly get wet, but should not be submerged in water for a long period of time. Don’t cleanse it in saltwater.

Lapis Lazuli
MOH Hardness: 5-6
Lapis Lazuli contains Lazurite, Calcite, and Pyrite. Prolonged contact with water may dissolve or damage the Calcite content.

MOH Hardness: 2.5-3
Lepidolite is a lithium-rich mica mineral that will flake apart in water.

MOH Hardness: 3.5-4
Malachite is another copper carbonate mineral that is toxic and not water safe. Do not put it in saltwater either.

MOH Hardness: 6-6.5
Pyrite can produce sulfuric acid in water. It also contains heavy metals and other dangerous contaminants.

MOH Hardness: 2
Selenite is a very soft crystal that will dissolve if you put it in water. The good news is, it’s a self-cleansing crystal. You can even use it to cleanse other gemstones.

MOH Hardness: 5-7
Turquoise is prone to cracking and fading when it comes in contact with water. It also contains copper, making it unsafe for crystal elixirs.

Click this link for details on How to Safely Cleanse Crystals

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