What do Crystal Shapes Mean?
In this Part 3 of Crystal Shapes I cover Natural Formation Crystals.
The name elestial comes from the Greek word elestia, meaning angels and heavens. Elestial crystals have etched lines and stair-step structures with a multi-layered formation on one of their sides, like the back of an alligator. They are used for difficult times of change and transformation. These are exclusive to Quartz and form naturally in Amethyst, Smoky Quartz, and Clear Quartz.
These naturally have several triangle-like etched or raised patterns on multiple sides. They are high-vibrational stones for dream therapy, mediumship, wisdom, and universal connection. They are found in pyrites, calcites, fluorites, ruby, quartz and spodumene.
When two crystals grow together from the same base and create double terminations, they’re called twin crystals. They are treasure houses of power. They’re also good for commitment, harmony, universal connection and spiritual guidance. You can find these in calcite, quartz, pyrite, fluorite and tourmaline.
When crystals show one or more shadowy, ghost-like inclusions inside, they are called phantom crystals. They usually look like a crystal within a crystal. They are great for finding how to clear karmic debts. They can be found in natural citrine, smoky quartz, clear quartz, lepidocrocite, epidote, tourmaline and fluorite.
Cathedral Shape Crystal
Crystals that form in an elongated shape with several terminations on one end are cathedral crystals. They’re sometimes called harmonisers because they enhance spiritual consciousness, psychic abilities, fortune and growth. Quartz crystal varieties like amethyst and clear quartz naturally form the cathedral shape.
When several crystals grow with several terminations from a single base they are called clusters. They are called amplifier crystals because they bring the energies of several crystals into one. They naturally occur in celestite, amethyst, clear quartz, green apophyllite and pyrite.
These formations are shimmering crystals found on the surface of some rocks and minerals. They’re a few millimetres thick and exist on many crystals. They are believed to attract luck and good fortune. They’re naturally seen in quartz, azurite, celestite, pyrite, calcite, and agates.
These are hollow concretions with cavities lined with crystals. They are good for charging and amplifying energies. Crystals that geodes naturally occur in are quartz, celestite, agate, chalcedony, pyrite, dolomite and fluorite.
When concretions are filled with solid crystals instead of hollow cavity crystals are called a nodule. Nodules are good for positivity, balance, focus, moving on and spiritual awakening. They are found naturally in agate, jasper, calcite, pyrite, septarian and chalcedony.
When the cavity in concretion contains agate and shows an egg-like rounded exterior, its called a Thunder Egg. Its seen in quartz, calcite, carnelian and agate.
These are excellent for renewal, fertility, vitality and safety.
The geometric structure of this formation is described as a rhombohedral, trigonal or hopper crystals. They are excellent for karmic therapy, psychic powers, dream work and spiritual guidance. Some naturally occur in wulfenite, azurite, bismuth, vanadinite, smithsonite, rhodochrosite, dioptase, hemimorphite, selenite, celestite and malachite.
When crystals grow from a central point in a fan-like pattern they are called sprays. They are great for enlightenment, psychic visions and intuition. Some crystals that naturally occur as sprays and needles are scolecite, calcite, aragonite, apophyllite, celestite and stibnite.
An interesting growth of radial crystals is in the shape of the rose flower petals. They’re excellent for personal growth, success, good fortune and balance. Some crystals that naturally occur are desert rose, rose chalcedony, hemimorphite, wavellite, stibnite and rhodochrosite.
Orthorhombic Formations
This is a popular crystal system in crystallography. In this system, crystals have a rectangular prism shape. They empower, support, and strengthen on all levels. Some crystals that naturally occur in this shape are tanzanite, aragonite, zoisite, olivine, blue topaz, azurite, kyanite, barite and andalusite.
This is a crystal shape with bulbous, rounded and smooth formations resembling bunches of grapes. They’re high vibrational crystals that are good for connecting with the universe. Some crystals that naturally occur in this shape are malachite, prehnite, azurite, cacoxenite, hematite, chrysocolla, goethite, rhodochrosite, serpentine and rhodonite.
I hope this information has been helpful to you and feel free to comment below.
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