What is The Law of Attraction?

law of attractionIt defines your ability to attract what you manifest into your life.

The true definition of The Law of Attraction is ‘like attracts like’. It governs everything within our abundant universe. Whatever you give your emotional energy, thoughts and attention to is what will come back to you.

The Law of Attraction works on both positive and negative thoughts so be careful what you focus on. For example, positive thoughts and emotions will attract positive things or experiences, and the reverse is also true, negative thoughts and emotions will attract negative things into your life.

The Present is Always Perfect

Whatever is happening in the present is a direct result of your past choices and decisions, surrender to what is. The past is the past and you have infinite possibilities in the future, so accept what is in the present. I know it may seem difficult and you may feel unhappy but you should focus your mind on being positive. Enjoy the present for the perfect moment that it is.

How does the Law of Attraction Work? 

It is always working, every second of every day. It reacts to how you act all the time, without regard to whether you are acting in a positive or negative way. Without thinking, you will put yourself in situations that will lead to exactly where you need to be. If you have limiting beliefs and think that you don’t deserve something, this will reflect in your behaviours.

How to Use the Law of Attraction


Firstly, realise that you are already using The Law Of Attraction or that it is always reacting to you, to whatever you are thinking and doing. Where you are today is a direct result of your past thoughts, your goals, your choices and your decisions. To bring The Law Of Attraction into your life start with this list:

  • Identify, choose and visualise exactly what you want to manifest.
  • Practice daily gratitude.
  • Change your past and present situations from negative to positive.
  • Practice daily meditation.
  • Start daily or weekly writing in a gratitude journal.

There are many ways you can start using The Law Of Attraction. Learning how to apply these is simple and they take a small amount of effort to start integrating into your day. Also, spread your positivity to your loved ones too. This will allow yourself to open up to receive their love and support.

Creative Visualisation

law of attractionThe best way to start applying The Law Of Attraction is through creative visualisation. It is the most powerful tool for manifesting exactly what you want.

Create a mental picture in your mind of the reality you want. Imagine in your minds eye what this looks like. Visit this reality in your imagination. For example, if you are wanting a new car, visualise this on your drive in great detail such as the make, model and colour. The more accurate the more chance the universe gets it right.

You can also create a vision board at the same time, that will cement this future you have imagined too. As stated above, you could add pictures of the car you would like on your vision board.

journalingGratitude Journaling

Learn how to journal to expand your connection to The Law Of Attraction. Gratitude and love for all things will set you up for and increase your manifesting power. Journaling daily or weekly will help you to create an attitude of gratitude.

Positive Affirmations

Speaking your desires and thoughts bring them into reality. These are short statements that you repeat to yourself, either out loud or in your head. They should link to your own individual goals. Here are a few examples:-

  • I am a confident and inspiring public speaker.
  • My bank balance is positive, I have enough money for everything I need.
  • I am beautiful and worthy of love.

If you struggle with being self-critical it is important that you speak to yourself in a positive way every day, preferably in a mirror.

Acting ‘As If’

This is a great way to help manifest something into our lives by acting as if we already have it. If you focus on your lack of money, lack of love, lack of xyz, you only reinforce the fact you don’t have it. By focusing on a positive ‘as if’ you already have it, it will bring it in.

Surrender and Accept

law of attractionAfter you have completed the above exercises you can surrender to what it is. After you have decided what you want to manifest or what you want your life to look like then let everything else go.


The Law of Attraction works for you, not against you. When you understand the possibilities that life has to offer you, you will realise that you have created an art of your destiny. You are creating your intended life first in your mind. Then making choices and taking actions that will manifest this for real in your life.

The Law Of Attraction is simple, no catches, all laws of nature are completely perfect and The Law Of Attraction is no exception. No matter what you are looking to have or achieve or be in life, you can hold onto an idea and see it for yourself in your minds eye, you can make it yours to have…. with a little effort and action on your part.

Crystals for The Law of Attraction

There a quite a few manifestation crystals but I’ve narrowed them down to these four.


Citrine encourages us to dream big and maintain a positive mindset.


A stone of opportunity, it attracts good luck and fortune.


Apatite deepens meditation and manifestation.

clear quartzClear Quartz

A great stone for amplifying and magnifying your intentions as well as manifesting.


Purchase your The Law Of Attraction Crystal Set

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